Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lets Legalize Marijuana !

I think we really , really should legalize pot and Marijuana . Honestly.

Why ?

Because because people have a right to do as they believe ? No ... you have no freedom if you're addicted to some drug, that has been taken away from you by the drug itself.

Because it will cut down on the violence and the crime around it ? No ... the same logic applies for legalizing all sorts of really nasty stuff that will wreck you permanently for the rest of your life.

Then why ?

Because you lose 5% of your IQ every year that you're on it.

Think of it. All those idiot's getting hooked early , by the time they're 25 they've lost 50% of their IQ ... a see of Idiocracy ...

And guys like me who don't smoke have an easy time getting a job anywhere. Even if you're of average intelligence, you have an easy time.

How far does their intelligence have to drop before they become illiterate I wonder ? Hmm... the price for someone who can actually read and write could go sky high ...

Legalize Marijuana now ! Lets start dumbing down the competition so i can get a job easier !

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