Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hitler painting fetches 32,000 euros in Slovak auction


"The painting has been offered for sale by an unnamed family of a Slovak painter who probably met Hitler personally when he was struggling to become an artist in Vienna during the early 20th century," Darte owner Jaroslav Krajnak said earlier.

"I look at him as an artist - in 1913, when Hitler painted this picture, he didn't know what would become of him in the decades to come," he added.

The auctioning house already sold a painting by Hitler from the same family collection last year for 10,200 euros.

Read more:

The interesting part of this story is not the story itself. Its the comments section demanding anything to do with good old Adolf Hitler be destroyed.

I respectfully disagree with that opinion. Why ?

Hitler is an important historical figure. And you can hardly start laying down policy and rules on how to prevent another Hitler if you destroy all information on him in the first place , can you ? You need to know how he got started in life, how he was twisted , how he went from an innocent child to a mass murdering (elected ...people keep forgetting he was elected by a majority of his country men no less) Chancellor (can't call an elected official a dictator ... well you can but it isn't true. ) And you can hardly do that if you destroy all the evidence , so to speak.

I've always found Hitler a fascinating figure, though not for the reasons the average person or the neo-nazi's would expect. The reason is ... if you ever download a copy of Mein Kampf , it usually comes with an appendix with news paper clippings of that era , and explains that Hitlers opinions were actually pretty mild compared to some of the opinions that got published in those newspapers.

Contrast that with every german complaining it was all Hitlers fault after the war was lost , and he was elected by popular mandate he wasn't a dictator ... maybe Hitler wasn't as alone as they claim he was. Maybe the populous that elected him actually knew what he was up to , and approved. Not so silently approved even , if those newspaper clippings are any indication.

Just an opinion of a man who's dead and gone before I was even born. But the evidence is interesting none the less.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Take on the Greek Economic Crisis

Ok. It's actually really simple to understand.

The Greeks owe money. Far more than they are ever going to be able to pay back.

The Germans are being asked to pay the debts, or take the loss or whatever, because the germans were the most fiscally responsible, so they have the highest credit rating, and in economic terms they have the most cash because they worked hard for it.

Think about that a moment. You got a nice house and a car and everything ,and you worked hard for it. Many a long day and night. But now the neighbors want you to bail out the welfare bums down the street who spent the rent money on booze. And yes, neibhbors on booze isn't a bad analogy. People retiring way early in their life, over paid government workers , etc etc ...

So if you were the germans what would you do ? You'd tell them to go to hell.

Except you lent the guys down the street a hundred bucks. Hmm... not getting that money back.

Turns out everyone else lent those boozers a hundred bucks too, or more, so much so that some of them arn't going to be able to make the rent if they don't get paid back. So they're getting kind of desperate, meanwhile the boozer neibours are still drinking away , showing no signs of financial responsibility (ie: no one's likely to get paid back).

So whats going to happen ?

The boozie neibours are going to drink until they run out of cash.

They guy who lent them his rent money .... he's not getting it back. Him and his land lord will have words. If he's an over spending boozer , he's probably in trouble. If it was just a deal gone bad, he'll cut a deal , the land lord (probably the germans ) will take a small loss , and life will go on.

And the boozie neibours will get booted out. Look at all the trouble they caused.

Whats happening now in Europe ?

They're squabbling over who's going to take the loss. Everyone is saying "Not Me !" in new and creative ways, but guess what ? They're gonna take the loss anyways.

No taxation without representation. That means no forieners stepping in and taking everyone's money and giving them nothing. Britain tried that against america. That resulted in a rather famous tea party and a rather nasty war of liberation. Money isn't worth a war. We need to make that perfectly clear. Cut the Greeks off , but no going to war. Not for a few stupid dollars.

As a nation , one of the greatest corrective measures you have is to print more money. It devalues every dollar out there , but it gives you a wad of cash to pay off the people who lent you money. But the European Union denied themsevesl that ability ,causing this mess.

And they don't want to give it to greece now ! Greece will devalue it's dollar and pay everyone off in monopoly money.

Sadly , their choices here are bad , worse , and even worse than that. There aren't any good ones. Certain banks are going to the cleaners.

But it would be irresponsible not to fight tooth and nail against it.

And so the show goes on.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lets Legalize Marijuana !

I think we really , really should legalize pot and Marijuana . Honestly.

Why ?

Because because people have a right to do as they believe ? No ... you have no freedom if you're addicted to some drug, that has been taken away from you by the drug itself.

Because it will cut down on the violence and the crime around it ? No ... the same logic applies for legalizing all sorts of really nasty stuff that will wreck you permanently for the rest of your life.

Then why ?

Because you lose 5% of your IQ every year that you're on it.

Think of it. All those idiot's getting hooked early , by the time they're 25 they've lost 50% of their IQ ... a see of Idiocracy ...

And guys like me who don't smoke have an easy time getting a job anywhere. Even if you're of average intelligence, you have an easy time.

How far does their intelligence have to drop before they become illiterate I wonder ? Hmm... the price for someone who can actually read and write could go sky high ...

Legalize Marijuana now ! Lets start dumbing down the competition so i can get a job easier !

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lets Block the USA from our sites

Don't Break The Internet Two bills now pending in Congress—the PROTECT IP Act of 2011 (Protect IP) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House—represent the latest legislative attempts to address a serious global problem: large-scale online copyright and trademark infringement. Although the bills differ in certain respects, they share an underlying approach and an enforcement philosophy that pose grave constitutional problems and that could have potentially disastrous consequences for the stability and security of the Internet’s addressing system, for the principle of interconnectivity that has helped drive the Internet’s extraordinary growth, and for free expression.

Basically , if some prosecuter in the USA accuses you of violating USA copyright law, they want to block your site. They want you to police your site for their copyright violations , and they want to shut you down if you don't comply.

Problem 1 : USA copyright law lets you copy right anything. This sentence can be copyrighted. The phrase "I hate Obama" can be copyrighted.

Problem 2 : There's a lot of sites that are nothing but users posting comments. These sites are free of charge, but now they have to pay people to moderate the comments and try and make sure no copyright violations take place ? Under the ridiculous usa copyright laws ? This is a straight cash grab that says only the USA is allowed to operate any such site everyone else can go suck wind.

The solution ?

Preemptively block the USA from seeing your site in the first place. That way you don't build up a readership that can be taken away from you at any time , that way you don't spend effort to produce something and then the USA just waltzes in and snags it and says screw you I'm suing you and you don't have the money for a lawyer to defend yourself so I can make the weakest dumbest argument in the world and I'll win.

With legislation like that , we should cut them out of the internet , not them cut us out.

Trust me. You will not miss the 30th annual Brady Bunch Rerun Convention. 30 times is plenty , it's time to move on to more domestic content.

In that respect the USA is rather like a drug dealer. THey get you hooked on their content , and then they raise the prices sky high.

Lets not get hooked in the first place.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Gay marriage a threat to humanity's future: Pope


Pope Benedict said Monday that gay marriage was one of several threats to the traditional family that undermined "the future of humanity itself."

The pope made some of his strongest comments against gay marriage in a new year address to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Vatican in which he touched on some economic and social issues facing the world today.

He told diplomats from nearly 180 countries that the education of children needed proper "settings" and that "pride of place goes to the family, based on the marriage of a man and a woman."

"This is not a simple social convention, but rather the fundamental cell of every society. Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity and the future of humanity itself," he said.

Pope Benedict said Monday that being gay is bad. He knows this because there is this book that was written in 300 AD by a bunch of goat herders that lack the education of the average 8 year old in todays western society that told him so. The book contains many wild and unconfirmed tails of magical happenings that even the goat herders who wrote it and put it together could not confirm, they merely took oral stories and put them to pen and paper. (Council of Bishops 300AD)

He went on to preach doom and gloom , frequently referencing this same book, before an audience of people who's very careers and lively hoods were tied up in believing his every word or they'd have to go find a new job.

No questions were taken , and on the website where this artical was found , no opportunity was given to comment on the matter.

I have many questions. Like ,you know, human rights and freedom ? Over population ? Things like that. But no means was allowed to express them ,and no answers were provided to these common questions that are always raised on this matter.