Friday, November 25, 2011

Passwords to avoid

25 worst passwords of 2011 revealed

Top 25:

* password
* 123456
* 12345678
* qwerty
* abc123
* monkey
* 1234567
* letmein
* trustno1
* dragon
* baseball
* 111111
* iloveyou
* master
* sunshine
* ashley
* bailey
* passw0rd
* shadow
* 123123
* 654321
* superman
* qazwsx
* michael
* football

out of personal experience, I would also like to add ...

* secret
* any variation of your birthday, husbands birthday , childs, etc
* your own name
* the name of where you work
* the name of the computer you're on

The "strong" passwords have at least 1 capital , 1 lower case , 1 number, and optionally one special character.

I always tell people , pick up a random book , fairly thick. Flip to about the first third no need to be accurate and stick your finger in the middle of the page. Pick the nearest 4 letter word, flip to the two thirds mark , about , repeat for another 4 letter word. Take the last digit of the page number and stick it in between.

If anyone can guess that password, we can just give it up.

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