Wednesday, September 14, 2011

United States in last-ditch effort to set up Israeli-Palestinian peace talks

Article The United States, Europe and the Middle East quartet are engaged in a last-ditch effort to set up a fresh round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in an attempt to head off a major diplomatic embarrassment over the looming Palestinian request for recognition of statehood at the UN.

It will fail. It will fail for two reasons. One : Because they've been talking peace since 1948 , and not much has changed. and two :
Pretty picture. White woman . Unveiled. Very american. (Senator Hillary Clinton)

You sent a white woman with obvious western values to a place where woman are practically slaves .

The USA isn't making a serious effort at anything here. It's just a few politico's getting their pics in the news for a good but hopless cause, knowing they won't suffer for failure since everyone before them has failed as well.

Waste of our time.

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