Monday, August 22, 2011

North Korea seizes South's Mount Kumgang resort assets


North Korea says it is seizing assets at a tourist site jointly operated with South Korea.

It has given South Koreans 72 hours to leave the resort at Mount Kumgang, which lies just inside North Korea.

The resort used to be a symbol of co-operation between the two Koreas and a key source of hard currency for Pyongyang.

But joint operations were suspended in 2008 after a South Korean tourist was shot dead by a North Korean soldier
North Korea has been threatening action over Mt Kumgang for months, warning Seoul to restart the lucrative tours or lose its assets.
It blamed the move on the South Korean government, saying it had ignored efforts to settle the issue through negotiations.

Sometimes , when you read a news article, you have to wonder whats going on in the head of certain people. They seem to have a wildly different point of view on human rights , for example.

You have a tourist resort, and you shoot one of the tourists. Of course the rest are going to leave and spread the word. What did you expect ?

Apparently , the North Korean Government expected them to come back and ignore the shooting. Apparently , they expected the south to herd them like chattel , into dangerous situations , and they simply don't understand why that isn't possible in a democracy.

It would seem the North literally doesn't care about the lives of ordinary humans. It sounds so trite and trivial , like a bad fairy tale. Like a plot line in a TV show thats been so over used you find it boring at not credible anymore.

But apparently , in the real world , the dictators of the planet arn't bored or finished with that plot line yet. It's still a favorite among them.

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