Sunday, April 17, 2011

News or Propaganda ?

Liberal health care ads may be working

Liberal attack ads warning that the Conservatives harbour a secret agenda to cut health care funding appear to be having their intended affect.

A new poll that looks at how Canadians view the leadership abilities of those running for prime minister suggests that voters’ assessments of Stephen Harper have dropped since the Liberals went negative in their television advertising this weekend.

The survey of 400 voters conducted Saturday for Nanos Research, indicates that the Conservative Leader’s numbers on the leadership index score fell to 91.6 from 105.4.

In the globe and mail they ran a "news" article. And I question the news part significantly. The article basically picked a poll of 400 voters (a thousand is considered the requirement for reasonably accuracy) and trumpeted the results as if it were indisputable and inevitable victory for the Liberals.

What they should have done is lamented that dirty tricks like spinning baseless conspiracy theories have no place in an election.

What they should have done was point out the sample size of the poll was too small.

what they should have done was at least point out the poll is considered accurate to + or minus X % 19 times out of 20 , but they skipped that.

What they did was trumpet it as an inevitable victory for the Liberals , and made no attempt to paint the Conservatives as anything but villians secretly trying to destroy canada.

The Globe and Mail is not a neutril bystander. They have quite obviously picked a side.

And that is the true tragedy here.

This newspaper isn't selling us news anymore. It's now preaching and propagandizing to us , and expecting us to pay for it.

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