Thursday, October 14, 2010

Islam Passes Judgement on Harper's Foreign policy

Siddiqui: World passes judgment on Harper’s foreign policy
(Article in the toronto star web site) 14/10/2010

Canada’s failure to get elected to the Security Council has been described as “a shocking development,” “a disaster,” “a diplomatic fiasco,” “a colossal failure” and “a dark day for Canada” that brought us “humiliation” and “shame on the world stage.”

Those are apt descriptions of this development — the first time in the 64-year history of the United Nations that Canada has failed to win a council seat, unlike in our six earlier bids. Our next bid cannot be for another 10 years.

The Harperites are reacting with their usual dishonest double-talk.

It’s no big deal not to have won a seat in a dysfunctional organization, they say. If so, why did we run?

So ok , you've got a big "I hate harper" sign on your t-shirt

It’s not just his pro-Israeli stance that made Canada a pariah at the UN. He:

Ok, this editorial is written by an anti-semite. And his name is obviously Islamic in nature. "Haroon Siddiqui" (actually it's an Indian name , but he authored a book called "Being Muslim" so ... yeah . )

Or, it is the fault of the Europeans. They must have voted as a bloc. What else can explain the win by Portugal, not even a member of the G20, let alone the G8, and an economic basket case to boot? But Europe has less than 30 votes, whereas Arab and Muslim nations have 57 and Africa 51 votes, the two blocs with good reasons to oppose us.

Ok, so we helped invade afghanistan and lost 57 votes ..thats a good reason to lose. Hardly the "disaster" you claim it to be. Figure the aftrican votes were split among 5 other contenders (or more) and defeat is inevitable for anyone who has to face an election who went to afghan or iraq.

• Diverted Canadian funds from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency to the Palestinian Authority, to boost Mahmoud Abbas against rival Hamas.

Oh dear. we supported a standing government working towards peace instead of some islamic terrorists who's only agenda is to kill all the jews in the world and you're mad at Harper for it.

Left Omar Khadr to rot in Guantanamo Bay, while defending the policy of indefinite detention as well as the American military’s kangaroo courts.

Caught red handed in a terrorist camp , and you want to bring him home and set him free.

It seems that the Toronto Star has become the Voice of Islam and the lastest Israeli Basher in this country. Kind of odd, but what they hey , newspapers have been sinking fast ever since the internet came out , I suppose it's only a matter of time before the wacko nut cases take them over as they enter their death throws.

You need more than slanted numbers and "If they love jews they must be bad" to convince most canadians, mister "Being Muslim". Because this crud only flies in the middle east , it has no place here.

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