Saturday, January 23, 2010

The American Oligarchy

24 States’ Laws Open to Attack After Campaign Finance Ruling

A day after the United States Supreme Court ruled that the federal government may not ban political spending by corporations or unions in candidate elections, officials across the country were rushing to cope with the fallout, as laws in 24 states were directly or indirectly called into question by the ruling.

Thus is born the American Oligarchy , or rule of the few. If you are a corperation, like Taser Corp , and your stun weapon is actualy killing people, you may now legally bribe politicians into going to bat for you , or create massive attack ad campaigns at election time to punish those who hurt your bottom line. (Which they have already threatenned).

Big business now rules the roost there, even more so than before. You can expect consumers to get the shaft on a frequent basis for everything. You can expect laws to be changed to become more lienient towards the indiscretions of large corperations. You can then expect those laws to be completely gutted in the name of profit. You thought the USA was a big polluter before ? You aint seen nothing yet.

In a society ruled by profit, you can now expect the USA to go to war for reasons of profit alone.

The whole world just got a little less safe.

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