Saturday, November 07, 2009

Disturbing Caller

Article = none, personal experiance.

I was at work the other day , talking to an american customer, waiting for test results to come back on his phone, when the topic of american health care came up.

Apparently americans believe in "managed health care", which means that someone decides who lives and who dies, where to spend the money , etc etc.

Apparently , this is inferior to "paid health care" where the rich pay their own medical bills and the poor are kicked to the curb. Well , the guy had a pricy phone so I guess I know where he stands on the rich vs poor issue.

In order to keep my job , I just agreed with whatever silliness he said.

but still, I can't help but think how brainwashed these americans are. Their health care is making billions in profits, and people are getting kicked to the curb with no treatment at all , just abandonned to die. Why ? Because of some myth of "managed health care, just like canada".

I got news for you buddy , Canada doesn't dump anyone on the street. And you get health care until the point where you stop breathing. Hows that for Managed Healthcare ?

The lies big business tells down there. Unbelievable. In canada they'd be sued into the ground for neglect causing death. They're profiting and the people they pretend to protect are dying.

If that aint Evil , I don't know what is.

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