Friday, October 30, 2009

Yet Another Liberal Program

Liberals urge more internet, cellphone competition

The Liberals are calling for stronger competition and rules on internet and cellphone services.

This sounds wonderful. So whats the problem ?

The problem is the gun registry that the Liberals made. It was supposed to cost 2 million dollars, it's now 2 billion and it barely functions. It has in fact blocked the progress of a real gun registry.

And the Liberals defend it tooth and nail , you are wasting billions of tax dollars if you shut it down yadda yadda ... and the darn thing cost a fortune to run and will eventually die anyways. But the Liberal friends you can be certain are getting rich on this project.

This is what happens when the Liberals "vow" to fight the gun problem in Canada. Suddenly things balloon to a thousand times what they should cost, and they still don't work. And you can't afford them ,but they kick and scream and it's just a huge scam and we're all sick of it.

And now they want to do it again with the cell phones.

Another 2 billion will be wasted.

And nothing will be done to restrain the friends of the Liberals (any big business contributing to their election coffers) from doing any thing they please.

No wonder they're frequently called the Fiberals.

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