Sunday, September 06, 2009

Butt ban debate reignites


You can’t do it at work. You can’t do it at school. You can’t do it at bars. You can’t do it in your car — at least not in front of the children!

In a few Ontario municipalities, including Arnprior, you can’t even do it on the beach or at the park.

I despise spoon fed pap. This article makes it look like the poor hard put upon smokers are so persecuted.

And the thing I despise the most ? There's no section for reader responses. There's no place to fire back and tell them you disagree with them.

There's no place to tell them about all the times before the smoking ban how people would sit down beside you , in the nonsmoking section , and lite up. And when you ask them to put it out this is the non smoking section , they refuse, And when you ask the staff to enforce the non smoking signs, they just shrug and walk away. Not once, but many many times. Personal experiance.

I really don't want to hear about how enforcing non smoking is bad for business , how most businesses are attempting to attract the business of groups of people , not individuals, and in any group of three or four there's bound to be a smoker , and you don't want them going across the street to some place that allows smoking while you do not.

"It's the way the business works, son. You have to accept it." is probably one of the most irritating phrases anyone has ever said to me by way of explanation as to WHY HE'S RIPPING ME OFF ! (or subjecting me to second hand smoke or unsafe products or other nonsense like that).

It is the business of the government to make rules like the smoking bans, and enforce them on all. Before that ban came into effect , every single place in ottawa , I mean EVERY single place in ottawa , allowed smoking.

Such rampant capitalism at the expense of peoples health cannot be permitted. It is the job of a government to put curbs on that kind of thing.

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