The U.S. military judge presiding over the trial of Canadian terrorism suspect Omar Khadr has been fired, said Khadr's lawyer.
In a news release issued Thursday, Lt.-Cmdr. William C. Kuebler said the judge, Col. Peter Brownback, was replaced after threatening to suspend proceedings in the case earlier this month.
Brownback told prosecutors they had to provide Khadr's defence lawyers with records of his confinement at the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, or he would suspend the proceedings.
Kuebler's news release also included an email sent Wednesday by lead prosecutor Maj. Jeff Groharing, which complained of numerous delays in trial proceedings
Lemme see if I have this right.
This kid joins al queda and goes to a terrorist camp in Afghanistan. What exactly he did in that camp , did he throw a grenade were the soldiers lying ... is up in the air. But he wasn't there to learn ping pong so it's pretty much a given he's a terrorist.
A court is set up to try him and people like him. But it's kept out of the United States, it's kept off in a little corner by itself where the only laws that count are the ones the USA feels like abiding by this week but that could change at any time. Might be abiding by different ones next week.
And this whole camp system was set up by people who don't like these terrorists too much so they're pretty much inclined to find everyone and the dog guilty of all the crimes they're accused of.
Some Judge comes along, a REAL Judge, from a REAL court where there are actually REAL laws to follow, decides the prosecution is having just too much fun , and they gotta get serious and treat this like a real case and quit messing around with the evidence and give the defence it's chance to , you know, actually defend this kid.
So the prosecution complains. And the REAL judge is removed.
I do not defend Khadr. He's obviously as guilty as sin and as black a terrorist as they come. You don't volinteer to cross to the other side of the planet and leave the comforts of your home to learn to play ping pong in the middle of a terrorist training camp, after all.
But this Kangaroo court business is just getting silly here. No one has any respect for the so called "judgements" of that internment camp anymore.
And the way they act, no one should.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Higher Canadian standards bar top marathoners from Olympics
The first Canadian man and woman to surge across the finish line of the Ottawa marathon this past weekend won't be going to the Olympics in Beijing in August even though they both met international Olympic standards.
Canada shouldn't participate in the games at all , if you ask me.
Why ?
Because the system is fixed.
Some american loses to a canadian and they'll demand the canadian be drug tested. Like Ben Johnson. And nobody , noooooo body .. makes it to the olympics without being hopped up on steroids. It's just not possible.
And so the canadian gets stripped of his title.
But don't even think about testing an american ! They'll pull their funding from the olympics, the whole game will go broke if you do that !
The game is filthy rotten with drug addicts destroying their bodies for something they're not allowed to win. Victory is determined by politics , not performance. And even performance is permanently scarred because it apears in the newspapers so often that everyone and the dog is on steroids.
We have no business in the olympic business. It's a bad example for our kids. Little Johney wants to be the best runner in the world, but you can only do that if you take these pills and don't tell anyone because it's illegal and you'll get banned even though everyone does it ...
We should dump the whole thing.
The first Canadian man and woman to surge across the finish line of the Ottawa marathon this past weekend won't be going to the Olympics in Beijing in August even though they both met international Olympic standards.
Canada shouldn't participate in the games at all , if you ask me.
Why ?
Because the system is fixed.
Some american loses to a canadian and they'll demand the canadian be drug tested. Like Ben Johnson. And nobody , noooooo body .. makes it to the olympics without being hopped up on steroids. It's just not possible.
And so the canadian gets stripped of his title.
But don't even think about testing an american ! They'll pull their funding from the olympics, the whole game will go broke if you do that !
The game is filthy rotten with drug addicts destroying their bodies for something they're not allowed to win. Victory is determined by politics , not performance. And even performance is permanently scarred because it apears in the newspapers so often that everyone and the dog is on steroids.
We have no business in the olympic business. It's a bad example for our kids. Little Johney wants to be the best runner in the world, but you can only do that if you take these pills and don't tell anyone because it's illegal and you'll get banned even though everyone does it ...
We should dump the whole thing.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Feeding at the US Government Trough Continues
Senate deal struck on mortgage aid
A major part of the legislation would allow the Federal Housing Administration to insure $300 billion in new loans for at-risk borrowers if lenders agree to write down loan balances below the appraised value of borrowers' homes.
Now let me see how to rip this system off...
Ok then. Get an apprasial on this house worth 350 000$ to , say 200 000$
Bank writes it down to 199 999$ and the FEDERAL (US Governement) Housing Admin insures it.
Price continues to drop. No one buys the overpriced house.
Bank takes the cash from the FEDERAL government.
Plan would let government back loans for at-risk borrowers. Key lawmakers reach compromise - taxpayers will not be on the hook if loans go bad.
Really ? I don't believe you.
The only way for the tax payers not to be on the hook for these loans is for the federal government not to make them. You *HAVE* to know at least some of them are going to go bad and get collected on from the government coffers.
Statements to the contrary are simply outright fabrication.
The banks made these bad loans.
The banks are now getting protected from these bad loans.
Joe Average is left to twist in the wind because the banks lost money on him so they're gonna slash his credit rating anyways.
Its so American.
A major part of the legislation would allow the Federal Housing Administration to insure $300 billion in new loans for at-risk borrowers if lenders agree to write down loan balances below the appraised value of borrowers' homes.
Now let me see how to rip this system off...
Ok then. Get an apprasial on this house worth 350 000$ to , say 200 000$
Bank writes it down to 199 999$ and the FEDERAL (US Governement) Housing Admin insures it.
Price continues to drop. No one buys the overpriced house.
Bank takes the cash from the FEDERAL government.
Plan would let government back loans for at-risk borrowers. Key lawmakers reach compromise - taxpayers will not be on the hook if loans go bad.
Really ? I don't believe you.
The only way for the tax payers not to be on the hook for these loans is for the federal government not to make them. You *HAVE* to know at least some of them are going to go bad and get collected on from the government coffers.
Statements to the contrary are simply outright fabrication.
The banks made these bad loans.
The banks are now getting protected from these bad loans.
Joe Average is left to twist in the wind because the banks lost money on him so they're gonna slash his credit rating anyways.
Its so American.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ad on side of news article : Myanmar
Salvation Army
Has been on the ground in Burma since 1915, and now has more than 40 ministry units, children's homes, shared farms, pig loan programs, 60 well projects to deliver clean water, education and tuition programs as well as several health clinics. You can call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769), visit the website, or drop off financial donations at the closest Salvation Army unit in your area, specifying your gift is for the Myanmar Cyclone Relief Fund.
Yes. Drop off your financial donations. Help support the Myanmar Military as it steals all the aid , lets all the victems starve, and uses *YOUR* donations to continue to oppress the poor and the helpless.
You may hold your money back and let them starve , or give generously , and the Military will take it all , and they'll starve anyways. Either way you save no one. Help make Myanmar Military strong ! Give till it hurts the poorest of all !
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Television : The Torture Continues
NBC-Vista copy-protection snafu reminds us why DRM stinks
Handfuls of Windows Vista Media Center users found themselves blocked from making recordings of their favorite TV shows this week when a broadcast flag triggered the software's built-in copy protection measures. The flag affected users trying to record prime-time NBC shows on Monday evening, using both over-the-air broadcasts and cable. Although the problem is being "looked into" by both NBC and Microsoft, the incident serves as another reminder that DRM gives content providers full control, even if by accident.
DRM = Digital Rights Management
I don't blame the TV media for trying to make a profit. I blame the public for not being able to add up a column of figures.
How much are you paying for tv a month ? 60$ ? 80$ with a few specialty channels ? More ? And what do you get ? 22 minutes of show and 38 minutes of commercials. Oh , I forgot, that doesn't count the openning and closing credits so it's really 20 min of show and 40 minutes of commericals.
And the broadcasters continue to tighten those screws. Squeeze for just a little more, and a little more. Like how you can't hear the show, so you turn up the volume. Then the commercial comes on and it's MUCH MUCH louder than the show, so it blasts you and you quickly turn it down.
Like how those commercials lie to you all the time. Oh, I'm sorry. They don't actually lie. They just stretch the truth , just a little bit, in a legally acceptable manner. And then a little more, and then they send some money to your government to weaken the advertising rules a little bit ..and a little more ... and a little more ... forget it ! They're lying. By the common definition of the word they are making you believe things that are patently false, even if they have skirted breaking the law by the most razer thin of margins.
Oh and thats not enough , so they now invade the 20 min of show itself. The actors now use name brand products, and state the company names and everything , as they go about the show's meagre time limited plot.
And then the show is watered down by the governments broadcast agencies (CRTC in canada here) Too much violence ! Too much sex ! Can't show that on TV ! Water water water ...
And then theres the hight of folly itself. Infomercials. A 30 minute show that is in fact ALL COMMERCIAL ! They're trying to sell you stuff for the whole 30 minutes !
You paid 500$ for that nice high definition Television. And you probably pay 80$ a month for the "service" of being spammed to a fair thee well by commericals.
Learn to add people !
A DVD is 20$-30$ a month (1 dvd brand new legally bought) . And it doesn't take long to get a nice collection going. 500$ in DVD's , is like 50 of them (because most will be old shows and the price has dropped to about 10$ a pop ) instant library. No commericals. After which it's only 1-2 DVD's you'll like coming out a month ,and many months with none, the movie industry likes it's summer block buster schedule and doesn't release much over the winter :) And thats a lot cheaper than 80$ a month.
Television is dead, and should be allowed to die. It has ratchetted up the pressure way too high ,and refuses to change it's ways. And there's a cheaper more satisfying alternative than being interrupted every 7 minutes to be told you can buy a plane ticket to England for only 200$ ! (plus surcharges, plus taxes one way only , must buy a two way ticket that will be 800$ please. )
Go DVD , dump these fools.
Handfuls of Windows Vista Media Center users found themselves blocked from making recordings of their favorite TV shows this week when a broadcast flag triggered the software's built-in copy protection measures. The flag affected users trying to record prime-time NBC shows on Monday evening, using both over-the-air broadcasts and cable. Although the problem is being "looked into" by both NBC and Microsoft, the incident serves as another reminder that DRM gives content providers full control, even if by accident.
DRM = Digital Rights Management
I don't blame the TV media for trying to make a profit. I blame the public for not being able to add up a column of figures.
How much are you paying for tv a month ? 60$ ? 80$ with a few specialty channels ? More ? And what do you get ? 22 minutes of show and 38 minutes of commercials. Oh , I forgot, that doesn't count the openning and closing credits so it's really 20 min of show and 40 minutes of commericals.
And the broadcasters continue to tighten those screws. Squeeze for just a little more, and a little more. Like how you can't hear the show, so you turn up the volume. Then the commercial comes on and it's MUCH MUCH louder than the show, so it blasts you and you quickly turn it down.
Like how those commercials lie to you all the time. Oh, I'm sorry. They don't actually lie. They just stretch the truth , just a little bit, in a legally acceptable manner. And then a little more, and then they send some money to your government to weaken the advertising rules a little bit ..and a little more ... and a little more ... forget it ! They're lying. By the common definition of the word they are making you believe things that are patently false, even if they have skirted breaking the law by the most razer thin of margins.
Oh and thats not enough , so they now invade the 20 min of show itself. The actors now use name brand products, and state the company names and everything , as they go about the show's meagre time limited plot.
And then the show is watered down by the governments broadcast agencies (CRTC in canada here) Too much violence ! Too much sex ! Can't show that on TV ! Water water water ...
And then theres the hight of folly itself. Infomercials. A 30 minute show that is in fact ALL COMMERCIAL ! They're trying to sell you stuff for the whole 30 minutes !
You paid 500$ for that nice high definition Television. And you probably pay 80$ a month for the "service" of being spammed to a fair thee well by commericals.
Learn to add people !
A DVD is 20$-30$ a month (1 dvd brand new legally bought) . And it doesn't take long to get a nice collection going. 500$ in DVD's , is like 50 of them (because most will be old shows and the price has dropped to about 10$ a pop ) instant library. No commericals. After which it's only 1-2 DVD's you'll like coming out a month ,and many months with none, the movie industry likes it's summer block buster schedule and doesn't release much over the winter :) And thats a lot cheaper than 80$ a month.
Television is dead, and should be allowed to die. It has ratchetted up the pressure way too high ,and refuses to change it's ways. And there's a cheaper more satisfying alternative than being interrupted every 7 minutes to be told you can buy a plane ticket to England for only 200$ ! (plus surcharges, plus taxes one way only , must buy a two way ticket that will be 800$ please. )
Go DVD , dump these fools.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Houses Made of Pyramids
Having trouble understanding the American Housing Crisis ? Let me help you.
Get a loan with a low teaser rate on the first house, sell at a profit and use your new equity and another round of easy credit to get a grander house. Patti Arnold, who handles house closings as an Orange County escrow officer, says many of those loans had minuscule initial payments, allowing borrowers to put off paying back principal. "Everyone just kept moving," recalls Ladera resident Darlene Kelly, speaking on the front porch of the foreclosed home where her husband, a broker, is hosting an open house.
This is called a Pyramid Scheme.
You see what happens is a few initial investers get in , sell to others , get out. Then the others try to repeat that , and ... well... sooner or later the music stops. In this case, sooner or later the 2 year teaser on the morgage runs out and then someone is stuck paying full price.
If you're a sales agent , this is a great scheme, because all those sales mean commisions for you. If your the one stuck holding the bag when the music stops ... *CRASH* goes your finances.
It's a scam. And it's convoluted enough to be legal. It doesn't look like a pyramid scam , but it is, just the same.
Having trouble understanding the American Housing Crisis ? Let me help you.
Get a loan with a low teaser rate on the first house, sell at a profit and use your new equity and another round of easy credit to get a grander house. Patti Arnold, who handles house closings as an Orange County escrow officer, says many of those loans had minuscule initial payments, allowing borrowers to put off paying back principal. "Everyone just kept moving," recalls Ladera resident Darlene Kelly, speaking on the front porch of the foreclosed home where her husband, a broker, is hosting an open house.
This is called a Pyramid Scheme.
You see what happens is a few initial investers get in , sell to others , get out. Then the others try to repeat that , and ... well... sooner or later the music stops. In this case, sooner or later the 2 year teaser on the morgage runs out and then someone is stuck paying full price.
If you're a sales agent , this is a great scheme, because all those sales mean commisions for you. If your the one stuck holding the bag when the music stops ... *CRASH* goes your finances.
It's a scam. And it's convoluted enough to be legal. It doesn't look like a pyramid scam , but it is, just the same.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Newspaper cartoon a hate crime, Islamic group claims
Police in Halifax are investigating a complaint about a political cartoon that some members of a local Islamic group claim is a hate crime.
The cartoon, published April 18 in the Chronicle Herald newspaper, depicts a woman in a burka holding a sign that reads, "I want millions," and she says, "I can put it towards my husband's next training camp."
The cartoon by Bruce MacKinnon is a reference to Cheryfa MacAulay Jamal, a woman from Nova Scotia whose husband was arrested in 2006 in an anti-terrorism raid. Qayyum Abdul Jamal was released from jail after charges against him were stayed on April 15.
In an interview with the Herald before the cartoon ran, Jamal said she wanted to sue the federal government for what her family has gone through and told the reporter, "I want millions," Leger noted.
"[MacKinnon] depicted her exactly the way she looks and used her own words, and that's the genius of cartooning that you're able to do that," he said.
ok, so someone acted like a total buffoon, and you've decided commenting on it is a hate crime ? It might engender hatred towards muslims ?
Maybe you need to get your people to stop acting like buffoons instead ?
The cartoon is aimed at a single individual , so your case won't fly. Rather like us making fun of the prime minister.
Your reaction to the cartoon is most interesting, however. You seem to believe Muslims should be untouchable no matter what they do. And thats not gonna fly either.
Police in Halifax are investigating a complaint about a political cartoon that some members of a local Islamic group claim is a hate crime.
The cartoon, published April 18 in the Chronicle Herald newspaper, depicts a woman in a burka holding a sign that reads, "I want millions," and she says, "I can put it towards my husband's next training camp."
The cartoon by Bruce MacKinnon is a reference to Cheryfa MacAulay Jamal, a woman from Nova Scotia whose husband was arrested in 2006 in an anti-terrorism raid. Qayyum Abdul Jamal was released from jail after charges against him were stayed on April 15.
In an interview with the Herald before the cartoon ran, Jamal said she wanted to sue the federal government for what her family has gone through and told the reporter, "I want millions," Leger noted.
"[MacKinnon] depicted her exactly the way she looks and used her own words, and that's the genius of cartooning that you're able to do that," he said.
ok, so someone acted like a total buffoon, and you've decided commenting on it is a hate crime ? It might engender hatred towards muslims ?
Maybe you need to get your people to stop acting like buffoons instead ?
The cartoon is aimed at a single individual , so your case won't fly. Rather like us making fun of the prime minister.
Your reaction to the cartoon is most interesting, however. You seem to believe Muslims should be untouchable no matter what they do. And thats not gonna fly either.
RCMP subdue hospitalized man, 82, with Taser

An elderly man in Kamloops, B.C., was zapped three times on the torso by a police stun gun while lying on his hospital bed, CBC News has learned.
Frank Lasser, 82, appeared fragile Thursday when he showed the Taser marks on his body and talked about the ordeal he went through Saturday.
Hmm... there's a big contraversy over Tasers. Zapping people twice can kill them. So what do the RCMP do ? This 82 year old man , who is delirious and has a knife in his hand , and oxygen lines and is in bed, he can't get up, he can't actually chase anyone around ... they taser him not once, not twice, but three times.
What did they do ? Send the Peewee Herman squad down there and they were terrified of him ? Can't you just wrap your arm in a towel and reach out and grab his arm ? You're wearing a bloody bullet proof vest !
Three times is a message. It's a message from the cops to the canadian public on the issue of Tasers. And that message is a middle finger right at us. That message is that they'll do what ever the heck they like and we can go whistle our opinion doesn't count.
I vote we remove the tasers from the police. Permanently.
Oops! Apple's done it again
The rebates stem from Apple settling a pair of class-action lawsuits brought forward by Canadians in Ontario and Quebec that claimed the Cupertino, Calif.-based company misled customers about how long early iPod batteries would last between chargings.
The plaintiffs said the devices ran for only about three hours without being plugged in, while Apple's advertisements claimed the iPods featured an eight hour battery life
Whoa ! I am so glad I skipped over the iPods and went right to the zen stones. They were RIGHT THERE ! I actually had one in my hand looking at it (the Store Clerk said they were very popular, I bet they were the lowest priced mp3 players in his store) before passing on it.
yeah ... lucky me.
The Zen Stone lasted a full 9 hours and that wwas on a partial charge, I'm not sure how long a full charge is.
Close... missed me again !
The rebates stem from Apple settling a pair of class-action lawsuits brought forward by Canadians in Ontario and Quebec that claimed the Cupertino, Calif.-based company misled customers about how long early iPod batteries would last between chargings.
The plaintiffs said the devices ran for only about three hours without being plugged in, while Apple's advertisements claimed the iPods featured an eight hour battery life
Whoa ! I am so glad I skipped over the iPods and went right to the zen stones. They were RIGHT THERE ! I actually had one in my hand looking at it (the Store Clerk said they were very popular, I bet they were the lowest priced mp3 players in his store) before passing on it.
yeah ... lucky me.
The Zen Stone lasted a full 9 hours and that wwas on a partial charge, I'm not sure how long a full charge is.
Close... missed me again !
Lottery documents reveal details of internal probe of $21.5M 'insider win'
Newly released documents show investigators at the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. approved a $21.5-million "insider win" after a two-month internal probe.
An "insider win" is a lottery win by a store clerk, owner or lottery employee.
So long and thanks for all the cash !!!!
The corporation's internal documents show the store owner had pocketed almost $17,000 in previous winnings before claiming the $21.5-million 6/49 jackpot.
Wow , did I ever take these guys for a ride or what ? Those tickets floated my whole store dont you know ?
Investigators say Shin initially panicked and told them the jackpot ticket belonged to a customer who had left the store. The store owner told investigators he was afraid that if he claimed the ticket, his information would be released to the media, according to internal documents.
Now how am I gonna claim this without them deciding I win too often ? Seeing as how I already claimed a total of 17000$ before...they've got to know I've got a scanner in the back reading the good tickets and letting me sell the junk losers to the rubes... I mean customers.
Retailers now have to use a special "retailer button" that identifies them as insiders, and insider wins are no longer investigated by the OLG but rather scrutinized by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, which now oversees the lottery corporation, said lottery spokeswoman Teresa Roncon.
"There are many levels of checks and balances," she said.
There are *NO* checks and balances. This turkey gets the tickets and gets to be alone with them for as long as he likes. Who knows what he's doing , what kind of scanner or borrowed x ray machine he's diddling with ? This guy took the Lotto Corp , and his own customers , for a ride, and they let him get away with it. $17 000 dollars in wins ? Is he winning every single week or something and no one is suspicious that the only tickets he buys are winners ?
Your checks and balances are worthless. The game is rigged from the start. And the only ones who's protests you listen to are the corrupt S.O.B's who are doing the rigging and protesting that you might stop the cash from flowing.
Corruption Incarnate, thy name is Lotto Canada.
Newly released documents show investigators at the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. approved a $21.5-million "insider win" after a two-month internal probe.
An "insider win" is a lottery win by a store clerk, owner or lottery employee.
So long and thanks for all the cash !!!!
The corporation's internal documents show the store owner had pocketed almost $17,000 in previous winnings before claiming the $21.5-million 6/49 jackpot.
Wow , did I ever take these guys for a ride or what ? Those tickets floated my whole store dont you know ?
Investigators say Shin initially panicked and told them the jackpot ticket belonged to a customer who had left the store. The store owner told investigators he was afraid that if he claimed the ticket, his information would be released to the media, according to internal documents.
Now how am I gonna claim this without them deciding I win too often ? Seeing as how I already claimed a total of 17000$ before...they've got to know I've got a scanner in the back reading the good tickets and letting me sell the junk losers to the rubes... I mean customers.
Retailers now have to use a special "retailer button" that identifies them as insiders, and insider wins are no longer investigated by the OLG but rather scrutinized by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, which now oversees the lottery corporation, said lottery spokeswoman Teresa Roncon.
"There are many levels of checks and balances," she said.
There are *NO* checks and balances. This turkey gets the tickets and gets to be alone with them for as long as he likes. Who knows what he's doing , what kind of scanner or borrowed x ray machine he's diddling with ? This guy took the Lotto Corp , and his own customers , for a ride, and they let him get away with it. $17 000 dollars in wins ? Is he winning every single week or something and no one is suspicious that the only tickets he buys are winners ?
Your checks and balances are worthless. The game is rigged from the start. And the only ones who's protests you listen to are the corrupt S.O.B's who are doing the rigging and protesting that you might stop the cash from flowing.
Corruption Incarnate, thy name is Lotto Canada.
Liars Protest having to prove their claims !
Criticism of natural health products Bill C-51 mounts
Bill C-51, which would lead to more regulatory scrutiny of natural health products sold in Canada, is drawing some criticism.
Oh my god ! They're going to make us prove our claims are true ? Instead of just being able to make up any ridiculous nonsense we like like we've always done ? We protest ! We have to stop this bill !
Critics feel the bill will outlaw up to 60 per cent of natural health products currently sold in Canada, making many natural health products that have been sold in Canada for decades unavailable for purchase and penalizing parents who give herbs or supplements to their children.
Most doctors I talk to say herbal remedies are bad because they make you think you're getting cured of your ailment when really , you're not. One doctor, my surgeon , outright forbids me from taking them because he report that lately the lastest batch have actually had bad reactions to perscription drugs commonly issued, so they actually make you sick instead of just a feel good do nothing sort of thing.
To which the Homeopathic psychopaths who are more interested in profits than cures respond something to the effect that all of science is nonsense and we should listen to them and ignore those yahoo's in the lab coats.
There's a homeopathec store in the shopping mall where I work. I pass it every day. It makes the most outragous claims, and then scrupulously avoids saying who said such things. Buy our product ! But dont' hold us to the claims. And the more you talk to the clerk , the more bibble babble nonsense flows out of her mouth. She's an expert.
They also argue that the government could designate any natural health product a prescription drug, making it available by prescription only. They say these types of provisions will force small companies out of the market.
Now why would they force small honest companies out of the market ? Oh yes ! because you're total frauds and every doctor knows it ! So no one will ever write a perscription for your junk !
"We propose maintaining a rigorous assessment of health products prior to making them available," he said. "On top of that, Bill C-51 would provide the authority we now lack to make a recall as soon as we know there's a problem.
Losely translated, you want to make claims your product has medicinal / healing properties ? Prove it ! There's enough charletons about all ready !
All I can say is, it's about time.
Bill C-51, which would lead to more regulatory scrutiny of natural health products sold in Canada, is drawing some criticism.
Oh my god ! They're going to make us prove our claims are true ? Instead of just being able to make up any ridiculous nonsense we like like we've always done ? We protest ! We have to stop this bill !
Critics feel the bill will outlaw up to 60 per cent of natural health products currently sold in Canada, making many natural health products that have been sold in Canada for decades unavailable for purchase and penalizing parents who give herbs or supplements to their children.
Most doctors I talk to say herbal remedies are bad because they make you think you're getting cured of your ailment when really , you're not. One doctor, my surgeon , outright forbids me from taking them because he report that lately the lastest batch have actually had bad reactions to perscription drugs commonly issued, so they actually make you sick instead of just a feel good do nothing sort of thing.
To which the Homeopathic psychopaths who are more interested in profits than cures respond something to the effect that all of science is nonsense and we should listen to them and ignore those yahoo's in the lab coats.
There's a homeopathec store in the shopping mall where I work. I pass it every day. It makes the most outragous claims, and then scrupulously avoids saying who said such things. Buy our product ! But dont' hold us to the claims. And the more you talk to the clerk , the more bibble babble nonsense flows out of her mouth. She's an expert.
They also argue that the government could designate any natural health product a prescription drug, making it available by prescription only. They say these types of provisions will force small companies out of the market.
Now why would they force small honest companies out of the market ? Oh yes ! because you're total frauds and every doctor knows it ! So no one will ever write a perscription for your junk !
"We propose maintaining a rigorous assessment of health products prior to making them available," he said. "On top of that, Bill C-51 would provide the authority we now lack to make a recall as soon as we know there's a problem.
Losely translated, you want to make claims your product has medicinal / healing properties ? Prove it ! There's enough charletons about all ready !
All I can say is, it's about time.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Microsoft Paid Mouth Spews Sewage Beta Fails the Office 2007 Test 3.0 has just entered public beta,and it promises plenty of improvements from the previous version. Mac users, in particular, will be pleased with the newnative Aqua UI.Unfortunately, however, the one feature that I was really looking forward to on the Windows side -- compatibility with the Office 2007 XML file formats -- could still clearly use a lot of work.
Yes ,and microsoft is currently being sued across europe for stunts like that. Notice they're not "XML" file formats, an open standard, they're "OFFICE 2007 XML" file formats, a proprietary format that they make dang sure *DOESNT* work with anyone else, especially the competition.
Thanks for being a microsoft oriface and pointing out the obvious, that Office 2007 again sabataged any attempt to be compatable with it, and seems to be quite successful about it.
I notice you didn't even mention that this is Microsoft's doing , you blamed it all on everyone else except microsoft. You get paid for this propaganda or what ? 3.0 has just entered public beta,and it promises plenty of improvements from the previous version. Mac users, in particular, will be pleased with the newnative Aqua UI.Unfortunately, however, the one feature that I was really looking forward to on the Windows side -- compatibility with the Office 2007 XML file formats -- could still clearly use a lot of work.
Yes ,and microsoft is currently being sued across europe for stunts like that. Notice they're not "XML" file formats, an open standard, they're "OFFICE 2007 XML" file formats, a proprietary format that they make dang sure *DOESNT* work with anyone else, especially the competition.
Thanks for being a microsoft oriface and pointing out the obvious, that Office 2007 again sabataged any attempt to be compatable with it, and seems to be quite successful about it.
I notice you didn't even mention that this is Microsoft's doing , you blamed it all on everyone else except microsoft. You get paid for this propaganda or what ?
UN to resume aid shipments to Burma Saturday
Burmese officials released a statement Friday expressing gratitude for the 11 planes loaded with supplies that have landed in the country, but urged agencies to send materials rather than personnel.
It's high time we stopped supporting these dictatorships and junta's. These food shipments are going to the soldiers who oppress the people and no one else. Anyone who tries to give food to the Burmese is only helping the dictator to the harm of the poor people on the ground just trying to make a living.
You think any of that food will go to help one single victem of the disaster there ? Think again. They are hostages , and you only make the hostage takers stronger. Those people arn't getting nothing. And your so called "help" only makes their situation worse by giving support to the ones murdering them in the first place.
There comes a time when you just have to stop it. You're killing them with kindess.
Burmese officials released a statement Friday expressing gratitude for the 11 planes loaded with supplies that have landed in the country, but urged agencies to send materials rather than personnel.
It's high time we stopped supporting these dictatorships and junta's. These food shipments are going to the soldiers who oppress the people and no one else. Anyone who tries to give food to the Burmese is only helping the dictator to the harm of the poor people on the ground just trying to make a living.
You think any of that food will go to help one single victem of the disaster there ? Think again. They are hostages , and you only make the hostage takers stronger. Those people arn't getting nothing. And your so called "help" only makes their situation worse by giving support to the ones murdering them in the first place.
There comes a time when you just have to stop it. You're killing them with kindess.
May 09 : Phone Saga
Bell Mobility called me up because I hadn't paid in three months. Because my phone was in the shop for those three months.
Phone them up, and ask if I still have to pay despite not actually having the phone.
He didn't speak english.
That is , he barely spoke english, he wanted to take a payment. Any other questions were beyond his meager skills. I asked for a supervisor. He hung up on me.
I phoned back , got another agent who only spoke marginally better english. I complained that the last agent hung up on me. They had no record of the previous call or the agents name or anything. Ok. So their agents can freely hang up on you and there's nothing you can do about it. Intersting.
I ask about not having the phone for three months , do I still have to pay. His english wasn't that good. Didn't understand the question , and wanted to transfer me off to another department.
I gave up and just paid the past due on my credit card.
Don't get a bell phone, people. There's no one to talk to if things go wrong. No one speaks english over there.
Phone them up, and ask if I still have to pay despite not actually having the phone.
He didn't speak english.
That is , he barely spoke english, he wanted to take a payment. Any other questions were beyond his meager skills. I asked for a supervisor. He hung up on me.
I phoned back , got another agent who only spoke marginally better english. I complained that the last agent hung up on me. They had no record of the previous call or the agents name or anything. Ok. So their agents can freely hang up on you and there's nothing you can do about it. Intersting.
I ask about not having the phone for three months , do I still have to pay. His english wasn't that good. Didn't understand the question , and wanted to transfer me off to another department.
I gave up and just paid the past due on my credit card.
Don't get a bell phone, people. There's no one to talk to if things go wrong. No one speaks english over there.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Wallowing in My Sorrow
I was reading a news article that says blogging is very theraputic, especially for women because they blog more emotionally , reveil their inner secrets and depressions, things like that.
Ok. Sure... I guess I'll give it a try.
So , am I depressed yet ? How do I feel ?
Hmmm...there's some pain from the skin irritation under the appliance in my side.
Oops, had to burp. Excuse me !
Umm...still tired because I had to change the appliance today. That was a real scream. :)
I understand that I have more reason to be depressed than 90DayJane and her blog threatening to blog for 90 days and then kill herself, but I can't quite make myself start crying. Not without the help of substantial quantities of beer.
I'm really honestly trying to get in touch with my inner self ... but all it's telling me is "More Beer !"
I don't know. Must be a chick think. I'm just not the emotional type. Despite all the 6MP pills they're making me take every day that are supposed to make me all weepy and stuff.
I'm gonna go get some beer now. Later !
Ok. Sure... I guess I'll give it a try.
- I have Chrones Disease.
- There's no cure for Chrones Disease.
- Technically not a life threatening illness, it has now twice come *THAT* close to killing me.
So , am I depressed yet ? How do I feel ?
Hmmm...there's some pain from the skin irritation under the appliance in my side.
Oops, had to burp. Excuse me !
Umm...still tired because I had to change the appliance today. That was a real scream. :)
I understand that I have more reason to be depressed than 90DayJane and her blog threatening to blog for 90 days and then kill herself, but I can't quite make myself start crying. Not without the help of substantial quantities of beer.
I'm really honestly trying to get in touch with my inner self ... but all it's telling me is "More Beer !"
I don't know. Must be a chick think. I'm just not the emotional type. Despite all the 6MP pills they're making me take every day that are supposed to make me all weepy and stuff.
I'm gonna go get some beer now. Later !
May 07 : Phone Saga
Article = none, personal Experiance.
My phone came back on monday (2 days ago).
Plugged in the headset. Still broken.
Took it to the store. They had a new headset to try . Still broken.
Shipped it back. For the third time. To the same place that failed to
fix it twice before.
I've now been without my music playing phone three months. But I"m still on the hook for three months of phone service.
For the record. The music playing phone is 350$ . A cheap regular phone like the loaner they've been giving me is 50$
And a Zen Stone mp3 player with 2 gigabytes of flash memory for storing tunes is 60$.
You do the math.
My phone came back on monday (2 days ago).
Plugged in the headset. Still broken.
Took it to the store. They had a new headset to try . Still broken.
Shipped it back. For the third time. To the same place that failed to
fix it twice before.
I've now been without my music playing phone three months. But I"m still on the hook for three months of phone service.
For the record. The music playing phone is 350$ . A cheap regular phone like the loaner they've been giving me is 50$
And a Zen Stone mp3 player with 2 gigabytes of flash memory for storing tunes is 60$.
You do the math.
IBM Fuels New Blue Biz Initiative With Linux
"It is different from the typical Wintel (Windows on Intel) products that dominate this space."
You see , Bill, you have to understand. We're going into competition with your Micro$oft company , and we don't need you to issue one "emergancy patch" and crash our whole system down. So we can't use windows for this, we're using Linux.
Because thats what you do. You decide you want to push your database on the world, so you sabatage Oracle so it doesn't run on windows anymore. And everytime Oracle Corp fixes it , you sabatage it again.
Why does that bother the little folk who just play games on their pc's and don't do anythign impressive ?
Because you're getting into the game market too, and soon , after you get a few more titles out, it won't be long before suddenly only your games run on windows and no one elses.
And that is why monopoly's are bad for everyone. Even Joe Average down on the ground just trying to play a few video games on his 3000$ machine.
"It is different from the typical Wintel (Windows on Intel) products that dominate this space."
You see , Bill, you have to understand. We're going into competition with your Micro$oft company , and we don't need you to issue one "emergancy patch" and crash our whole system down. So we can't use windows for this, we're using Linux.
Because thats what you do. You decide you want to push your database on the world, so you sabatage Oracle so it doesn't run on windows anymore. And everytime Oracle Corp fixes it , you sabatage it again.
Why does that bother the little folk who just play games on their pc's and don't do anythign impressive ?
Because you're getting into the game market too, and soon , after you get a few more titles out, it won't be long before suddenly only your games run on windows and no one elses.
And that is why monopoly's are bad for everyone. Even Joe Average down on the ground just trying to play a few video games on his 3000$ machine.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Taser Corp Fights Truth With Lies
Taser shocks ruled cause of death - Company disputes first such finding
A Chicago medical examiner has ruled that shocks from a Taser were responsible for the death of a man in February, marking the first time that the electronic stun gun has been named as the primary cause of death.
Taser strongly criticized the Medical Examiner's Office in a statement Friday and said it will challenge the autopsy.
"We believe that the scientific and medical community will publicly challenge this conclusion based upon the lack of credible evidence," Taser spokesman Steve Tuttle wrote in an e-mail on Friday. "Taser International will seek a judicial review of the report and the basis for which those statements were made."
You dare to question our product ? We're gonna sue ! We dont care if you're a corener or not !
This is not the first time Taser has challenged a medical examiner. For years, Taser officials publicly said the stun gun was never cited in an autopsy report. But an Arizona Republic investigation last year revealed that Tasers have been cited repeatedly by medical examiners in death cases and that Taser did not start collecting autopsy reports until last April.
No one ever complained before ! And if they did , we never kept track anyways ! So whats your problem ?
Taser officials later maintained that the medical examiners in those cases were wrong and did not have the credentials or expertise necessary to examine deaths involving stun guns. They now maintain that Tasers have never been cited by a medical examiner as "the sole cause of death."
Thos coroners are incompetant ! We know what we're doing , we're big business ! Listen to us not those guys with PhD's !!! Just because we stand to go bankrupt if what they say turns out to be true thats not important . WE'RE RIGHT THEY'RE WRONG !!!
"We sincerely hope that a groundless opinion will not overshadow the medical and scientific community's conclusions as to the lethal levels of methamphetamine use," he said in the statement. "Overlooking this as a primary cause of death contradicts the very nature and purpose of these known lethal values."
That corener is lying ! He's just making all this up ! It's all totally groundless !!!
Denton, who grew up in Scottsdale, did not return The Republic's calls for an interview on Friday. According to a Web site for the Illinois Coroners and Medical Examiners Association, Denton has worked at the Office of the Medical Examiner of Cook County for nine years. He is also an assistant professor in the pathology department at Rush University Medical Center. He got his medical degree from the University of Arizona.
So ? So what ? He got a degree in medicine ? That lets him examine dead bodies ,not blame our weapon for killing them ! Grow up ! What does he think he is, some kind of expert or something ?
Denton told the Sun-Times that he reviewed thousands of pages of information provided by Taser. But he said his conclusion was also based on the findings of James Ruggieri, an electrical engineer who in February made a presentation to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in which he said Taser shocks could cause cardiac arrest.
We gave him a ton of propaganda , I mean documentation , on our weapon , but he chose instead to listen to some other guy . So we have to sue him !
Ruggieri, who is a forensic engineer and has consulted with police departments and the military on electrical accidents, said shocks from Taser could cause delayed ventricular fibrillation, the irregular heartbeat characteristic of a heart attack. He also said that multiple shocks from a Taser could cause someone to stop breathing and go into cardiac arrest. He said that many deaths involving Tasers have likely been wrongly dismissed as simple heart attacks or drug overdoses.
Yeah yeah , some other guy with a PhD in medicine. He's wrong ! Trust me ! I have a degree in business and this is a capatilistic society , so you have to believe me over him ! You have to believe the business man first !
Taser has challenged Ruggieri's credentials and said its own medical and electrical experts dispute his findings. Taser maintains that its guns have undergone dozens of tests through universities and the Department of Defense, which support its claim of safety.
We tested this thing half to death , and got rid of the test we didn't like becaue that would hurt our profit line. What are you doing testing them again with people we don't control ? WE'RE GONNA SUE EVERYONE UNDER THE SUN NOW !!!!
Last week, Dolton, Ill., filed a class-action lawsuit against Taser, becoming the first police department to take legal action over what it described as Taser's exaggerated claims of safety. The city said it paid $8,572 for stun guns that are too dangerous to use on the street.
Taser amuses me. It really does.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Meandering Thoughts on Pollution, Politics , etc
Article = none , personal opinion.
I got it ! I know how we can reduce pollution ! All we have to do is let the big oil companies go nuts selling us cheap gas...and soon all the fossil fuels run out ! Simple !
Oh , they're already doing that , right ?
Someone should find a way to filter C02 out of the air and turn it into bricks or something. Then we can just ditch the bricks or let them sit in a big pile somewhere or something. Or maybe turn them into fertalizer. Such technology won't be used immediately , but it would be good to have it waiting in the wings ready to go when it all starts to get bad.
Unless you live in LA , where on a hot summer day you dare not go outside or the smog will kill you. Well...I didn't mean local areas I meant wide swaths of areas ...oh , LA is a wide swath of area ? A big super city ? Hmmm....
Well... pollution will solve itself one way or another. Just a question of how many of us are going to survive this "solution" :)
USA political problems are very easy to understand. Really. You see...the nation is too large. Not geographically , but in terms of how many people. And so the corperations get very large, and you get a lot of really really big corperations with tons and tons of money kicking around ... how many politicians can pass up a bribe of a million bucks ? One or two bribes and you can retire for the rest of your life on it. What american can pass on that ?
Have you ever noticed there is a definate scale in the world. The more social ,and even communistic a country is , the better educated their people are. Met a girl from Bulgaria, she had a PhD in chemical engineering. Everyone gets a good education in those places. No jobs to be had once you're done , but everyone gets it. Canada most everyone gets a high school education. Canada's about half way between Communisim and Capitalism. Strong Capitalistic Economy , but strong government to cast a saftey net to protect the population. Universal Health care, Free education , welfare for all , that sort of thing. And america... half of them are illiterate, don't know how to use a computer , easy to defraud, things like that. Best economy in the world, but worst educated population in the world. It's almost like ... the two go hand in hand ... almost ...
I'd ask what good is a good job when you're kid is sick and the medical establishment takes all your money and the kid dies anywyas... but I suppose I'd then have to ask what good is a PhD when there's no job to use it and the medical establisment is terminally short of supplies in a communistic regime. Not sure what conclusion to draw there ... maybe the half way mark is the best place to be sitting or something like that ...
Why do the two Canadian political parties call themselves Liberal and Conservative ? Their policies have nothing to do with being liberal or conservative , and everything to do with being pro-business or pro-people. (for lack of a better term..socialism I guess). Can't they just out and out say who they are ? Can't we have a Pro-Business Party of Canada and a Pro-Socialist Party of Canada ? Why we have to have these meaningless names so I can never tell who is who ?
Why is the american population so pro-business and anti-socialist when they've been burned by big business over and over and over ? Does big business have an awesome propaganda engine south of the (canadian) border or what ?
Why is the word "Propaganda" reserved for hated anti-american regimes ? Those regimes have lousy propaganda because they usually just shoot whom they like and do it in public to let you know where you stand. No propaganda required. Only western nations where you're not allowed to instill fear or shoot the non believers actually use propaganda. The third world communistic stuff is really pretty third rate and transparent to what big business throws at us daily in an effort just to get us to buy soap , never mind make any kind of important decision.
PS: Soap is bad for you. Your skin is acidic and soap is alkaline , so when you use it you dry out your skin and flakes of skin fall off. Called Dandruff. But thats ok , because the people who make soap are happy to sell you a different kind of soap (dandruff shampoo) to help you solve the very problem they inflicted on you ! No worries. Unless you got some kind of open wound you deal with every day , in which case the nurse that comes around every few days to look you over will go tsk tsk tsk , stop using soap it irritates the wound , just use clean water.
Why am I still alive ? My Chrones disease has tried twice to kill me now you know. Both times it was basically random chance that I went to the hospital (didn't think it was serious either time ...ho ho ho ! Intensive Care for you buddy ! ). Was it fate or god ? If it was god, why was it a pack of raving atheists that saved my butt , and not some religious fanatics ? Things that make you go hmmm....YOU SHOULD CONVERT BECAUSE GOD SAVED YOU AND THOSE RAVING ATHIESTS WERE HIS TOOL ! ... or maybe you should stay an atheist and be a tool of god ? The religious fanatics never mention that option for some reason .... :)
Hmm...thats all I can meander for now...I'll do it again later when I get another batch of random thoughts together....
I got it ! I know how we can reduce pollution ! All we have to do is let the big oil companies go nuts selling us cheap gas...and soon all the fossil fuels run out ! Simple !
Oh , they're already doing that , right ?
Someone should find a way to filter C02 out of the air and turn it into bricks or something. Then we can just ditch the bricks or let them sit in a big pile somewhere or something. Or maybe turn them into fertalizer. Such technology won't be used immediately , but it would be good to have it waiting in the wings ready to go when it all starts to get bad.
Unless you live in LA , where on a hot summer day you dare not go outside or the smog will kill you. Well...I didn't mean local areas I meant wide swaths of areas ...oh , LA is a wide swath of area ? A big super city ? Hmmm....
Well... pollution will solve itself one way or another. Just a question of how many of us are going to survive this "solution" :)
USA political problems are very easy to understand. Really. You see...the nation is too large. Not geographically , but in terms of how many people. And so the corperations get very large, and you get a lot of really really big corperations with tons and tons of money kicking around ... how many politicians can pass up a bribe of a million bucks ? One or two bribes and you can retire for the rest of your life on it. What american can pass on that ?
Have you ever noticed there is a definate scale in the world. The more social ,and even communistic a country is , the better educated their people are. Met a girl from Bulgaria, she had a PhD in chemical engineering. Everyone gets a good education in those places. No jobs to be had once you're done , but everyone gets it. Canada most everyone gets a high school education. Canada's about half way between Communisim and Capitalism. Strong Capitalistic Economy , but strong government to cast a saftey net to protect the population. Universal Health care, Free education , welfare for all , that sort of thing. And america... half of them are illiterate, don't know how to use a computer , easy to defraud, things like that. Best economy in the world, but worst educated population in the world. It's almost like ... the two go hand in hand ... almost ...
I'd ask what good is a good job when you're kid is sick and the medical establishment takes all your money and the kid dies anywyas... but I suppose I'd then have to ask what good is a PhD when there's no job to use it and the medical establisment is terminally short of supplies in a communistic regime. Not sure what conclusion to draw there ... maybe the half way mark is the best place to be sitting or something like that ...
Why do the two Canadian political parties call themselves Liberal and Conservative ? Their policies have nothing to do with being liberal or conservative , and everything to do with being pro-business or pro-people. (for lack of a better term..socialism I guess). Can't they just out and out say who they are ? Can't we have a Pro-Business Party of Canada and a Pro-Socialist Party of Canada ? Why we have to have these meaningless names so I can never tell who is who ?
Why is the american population so pro-business and anti-socialist when they've been burned by big business over and over and over ? Does big business have an awesome propaganda engine south of the (canadian) border or what ?
Why is the word "Propaganda" reserved for hated anti-american regimes ? Those regimes have lousy propaganda because they usually just shoot whom they like and do it in public to let you know where you stand. No propaganda required. Only western nations where you're not allowed to instill fear or shoot the non believers actually use propaganda. The third world communistic stuff is really pretty third rate and transparent to what big business throws at us daily in an effort just to get us to buy soap , never mind make any kind of important decision.
PS: Soap is bad for you. Your skin is acidic and soap is alkaline , so when you use it you dry out your skin and flakes of skin fall off. Called Dandruff. But thats ok , because the people who make soap are happy to sell you a different kind of soap (dandruff shampoo) to help you solve the very problem they inflicted on you ! No worries. Unless you got some kind of open wound you deal with every day , in which case the nurse that comes around every few days to look you over will go tsk tsk tsk , stop using soap it irritates the wound , just use clean water.
Why am I still alive ? My Chrones disease has tried twice to kill me now you know. Both times it was basically random chance that I went to the hospital (didn't think it was serious either time ...ho ho ho ! Intensive Care for you buddy ! ). Was it fate or god ? If it was god, why was it a pack of raving atheists that saved my butt , and not some religious fanatics ? Things that make you go hmmm....YOU SHOULD CONVERT BECAUSE GOD SAVED YOU AND THOSE RAVING ATHIESTS WERE HIS TOOL ! ... or maybe you should stay an atheist and be a tool of god ? The religious fanatics never mention that option for some reason .... :)
Hmm...thats all I can meander for now...I'll do it again later when I get another batch of random thoughts together....
Canadian schools sent brochures, DVDs from climate change skeptics
The Chicago-based group, the Heartland Institute, said its goal is to ensure that students are provided with a "balanced" education about "an important and controversial issue," but critics, including a leading climate scientist, described it as a campaign of misinformation.
"All the kids in our schools are being taught that climate change is a serious crisis and that we've got to reduce our CO2 and they're being taught (that) quite falsely," said Jay Lehr, the science director at the Heartland Institute who sent the package. "We would like to educate people and basically give them the other side of the issue, so we send out materials only in hope of a little balance."
The Heartland Institute describes itself as a national nonprofit research and education organization whose mission is "to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. Such solutions include parental choice in education, choice and personal responsibility in health care, market-based approaches to environmental protection, privatization of public services and deregulation in areas where property rights and markets to a better job than government bureaucracies."
"promote free market solutions..." = Business
"in health care ..." = use USA style TYPE ONE NON-INSURABLE for 20% of the population ...just put the guy off in the hall and wait for him to die
"personal responsibility ..." = Joe Averages problem , not us ! That would hurt our profit line !
"And deregulation in area's where ... do a better job than government bureaucracies." = we only insure the healthy, the sick people are out of luck. We only cater to the rich , if you're poor see the part about personal responsibility. We don't do welfare, work or starve, and oh yes we're outsourcing all the jobs to india. We sell guns to every yahoo we can , but it's not our fault if your 10 year old finds it and shoots you, and it's your fault that you didn't hire inspectors that couldn't be bribed so when Katrina hit New Orleans and all the estimates say they could take a Cat 5 storm , but it didn't ... thats your fault not ours."
Ummm...yeah... we've heard from the GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY crowd, how about someone with real solutions to these problems ?
The Chicago-based group, the Heartland Institute, said its goal is to ensure that students are provided with a "balanced" education about "an important and controversial issue," but critics, including a leading climate scientist, described it as a campaign of misinformation.
"All the kids in our schools are being taught that climate change is a serious crisis and that we've got to reduce our CO2 and they're being taught (that) quite falsely," said Jay Lehr, the science director at the Heartland Institute who sent the package. "We would like to educate people and basically give them the other side of the issue, so we send out materials only in hope of a little balance."
The Heartland Institute describes itself as a national nonprofit research and education organization whose mission is "to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. Such solutions include parental choice in education, choice and personal responsibility in health care, market-based approaches to environmental protection, privatization of public services and deregulation in areas where property rights and markets to a better job than government bureaucracies."
"promote free market solutions..." = Business
"in health care ..." = use USA style TYPE ONE NON-INSURABLE for 20% of the population ...just put the guy off in the hall and wait for him to die
"personal responsibility ..." = Joe Averages problem , not us ! That would hurt our profit line !
"And deregulation in area's where ... do a better job than government bureaucracies." = we only insure the healthy, the sick people are out of luck. We only cater to the rich , if you're poor see the part about personal responsibility. We don't do welfare, work or starve, and oh yes we're outsourcing all the jobs to india. We sell guns to every yahoo we can , but it's not our fault if your 10 year old finds it and shoots you, and it's your fault that you didn't hire inspectors that couldn't be bribed so when Katrina hit New Orleans and all the estimates say they could take a Cat 5 storm , but it didn't ... thats your fault not ours."
Ummm...yeah... we've heard from the GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY crowd, how about someone with real solutions to these problems ?
Friday, May 02, 2008
Ship dumped tonnes of oily bilge off Newfoundland, crew says
The ship is believed to have intentionally dumped its bilge off the coast of Newfoundland. The bilge is a mix of ballast water and oil from ship engines.
Crew members told CBC News that a pipe had been installed on the ship to bypass the bilge tank in order to dump directly into the ocean.
Third engineer Domingo Silva took a video of the bilge tank bypass as evidence.
Let me to help you understand Ottawa Boy's Guide For Breaking the Law.
Step One : Don't Tell Anyone !
Step Two : Really , I mean it , Don't Tell Anyone !
Step Three : Don't leave a paper trail behind. (ie : Don't cheat on your taxes)
Step Four : Don't leave any physical evidence behind.
Step Five : Don't leave any video evidence behind.
Basically , aside from swiping your work mates pen while he isn't looking ,
don't do it.
You ran a bypass pipe on your ship , and then hired any random ships engineer you could get cheap to staff this ship that was now breaking the Law. Are you stupid or what ? Are you begging to get caught ? Why don't you just take out a newspaper ad ? How many people had to work on that pipe to build it ? How many engineers did you hire and fire that traipsed through that ship and saw the pipe ?
In an age where there is no such thing as a permanent job , everything is strictly temporary and no one has loyalty to the company , in an age where everyones cell phone has a movie camera on it ... you have the idiocy to pull something like this ?
Companies that break the law are idiots. You have no employee loyalty, and everyone's got a camera. And you're not allowed to search their pockets and those phones fit real nice in a pocket or purse despite your no cell phone policy. One disgruntled employee who knows he's on the way out , looking for a way to give you the shaft before he leaves , and you're toast !
idiots !
Private individuals commit crimes.
Companies need to stick with bribing politicians to make what ever shady and unsavory thing they're doing perfectly legal. Like microsoft does. Now we can blab on them all we want and nothing happens.
The ship is believed to have intentionally dumped its bilge off the coast of Newfoundland. The bilge is a mix of ballast water and oil from ship engines.
Crew members told CBC News that a pipe had been installed on the ship to bypass the bilge tank in order to dump directly into the ocean.
Third engineer Domingo Silva took a video of the bilge tank bypass as evidence.
Let me to help you understand Ottawa Boy's Guide For Breaking the Law.
Step One : Don't Tell Anyone !
Step Two : Really , I mean it , Don't Tell Anyone !
Step Three : Don't leave a paper trail behind. (ie : Don't cheat on your taxes)
Step Four : Don't leave any physical evidence behind.
Step Five : Don't leave any video evidence behind.
Basically , aside from swiping your work mates pen while he isn't looking ,
don't do it.
You ran a bypass pipe on your ship , and then hired any random ships engineer you could get cheap to staff this ship that was now breaking the Law. Are you stupid or what ? Are you begging to get caught ? Why don't you just take out a newspaper ad ? How many people had to work on that pipe to build it ? How many engineers did you hire and fire that traipsed through that ship and saw the pipe ?
In an age where there is no such thing as a permanent job , everything is strictly temporary and no one has loyalty to the company , in an age where everyones cell phone has a movie camera on it ... you have the idiocy to pull something like this ?
Companies that break the law are idiots. You have no employee loyalty, and everyone's got a camera. And you're not allowed to search their pockets and those phones fit real nice in a pocket or purse despite your no cell phone policy. One disgruntled employee who knows he's on the way out , looking for a way to give you the shaft before he leaves , and you're toast !
idiots !
Private individuals commit crimes.
Companies need to stick with bribing politicians to make what ever shady and unsavory thing they're doing perfectly legal. Like microsoft does. Now we can blab on them all we want and nothing happens.
How does a $224 flight end up costing $826?
We've all seen those airline ads. "London $224," they scream in eye-catching type. Far below, in small - make that microscopic - print comes the catch: The fare is one-way only and must be booked as part of a round trip. Oh, by the way, taxes, fees and surcharges aren't included.
In fact, when you actually book the fare online, it balloons to $826. That's still a bargain, but not quite what the ad promised.
Hmmm....the ad says $224, but when you try to collect it's $826. Thats dishonest. That would by lying your butt off , wouldn't it ? by a factor of 4 , no less.
However, Air Canada argues that it is in a competitive market and other airlines also advertise one-way base fares. "Therefore," airline spokesman Peter Fitzpatrick says, "we are forced to follow along because people often do not read beyond the headline advertising numbers for airfares."
Airlines may argue that such advertising is necessary to attract business, but that doesn't make it right, says Michael Janigan, executive director of the Ottawa-based Public Interest Advocacy Centre. "Almost any fraudulent or misleading practice is helpful to the merchant using it," he says.
Everyone else is lying , we have to lie too !
I wish it was just the airline industry. But it's not. Everyone else (like my cell phone carrier) does it too.
And I would qualify that comment about fraudulent practices helping the merchent , to add that it only helps in the short term. After which , too many people get their fingers burned and they never , ever, ever go back.
We've all seen those airline ads. "London $224," they scream in eye-catching type. Far below, in small - make that microscopic - print comes the catch: The fare is one-way only and must be booked as part of a round trip. Oh, by the way, taxes, fees and surcharges aren't included.
In fact, when you actually book the fare online, it balloons to $826. That's still a bargain, but not quite what the ad promised.
Hmmm....the ad says $224, but when you try to collect it's $826. Thats dishonest. That would by lying your butt off , wouldn't it ? by a factor of 4 , no less.
However, Air Canada argues that it is in a competitive market and other airlines also advertise one-way base fares. "Therefore," airline spokesman Peter Fitzpatrick says, "we are forced to follow along because people often do not read beyond the headline advertising numbers for airfares."
Airlines may argue that such advertising is necessary to attract business, but that doesn't make it right, says Michael Janigan, executive director of the Ottawa-based Public Interest Advocacy Centre. "Almost any fraudulent or misleading practice is helpful to the merchant using it," he says.
Everyone else is lying , we have to lie too !
I wish it was just the airline industry. But it's not. Everyone else (like my cell phone carrier) does it too.
And I would qualify that comment about fraudulent practices helping the merchent , to add that it only helps in the short term. After which , too many people get their fingers burned and they never , ever, ever go back.
Medical journal calls for review of Taser safety
An editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal is calling for more study of the health risks posed by stun guns.
The opinion piece released on Thursday argues that Taser use is a public health issue, and Canadian officials should not be relying on the manufacturer, Taser International, or its paid research to determine if stun guns are safe.
They're safe ! Trust us ! We got all this research we paid for that says so ! And a whole bunch more we paid for that says otherwise , but no one needs to know about that stuff , we burned those reports real good !
"Make that data available to independent qualified researchers, epidemiologists that could answer the questions as to whether or not the use of this device has indeed saved lives of law enforcement personnel and suspects as has been claimed, or whether it has not," Stanbrook said.
Independent researchers ? Ones not under our control ? Whooooaaa Nelly ! Lets not get too hasty here ! We don't have to get that far , do we ? Maybe we'll just hang onto that data and not let anyone see it. Anything else would probably be bad for business.
More than 300 people in North America, including 20 in Canada, have died after being struck by a Taser.
Stanbrook said the Journal was mindful that an inquiry in Dziekanski's death begins next week and that he's hopeful the journal editorial may be useful information for the inquiry.
In other words, Taser wont tell you squat so you have to go in the back door to find out anything.
Our product is a stun gun it harms no one ! Honest ! but no we don't let you see the research data , and don't even think of mentioning all those corpses piling up because of tasers. That wasn't our fault !!!
Why am I reminded of the Chinese government in all of this ? Do they take lessons from each other ?
An editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal is calling for more study of the health risks posed by stun guns.
The opinion piece released on Thursday argues that Taser use is a public health issue, and Canadian officials should not be relying on the manufacturer, Taser International, or its paid research to determine if stun guns are safe.
They're safe ! Trust us ! We got all this research we paid for that says so ! And a whole bunch more we paid for that says otherwise , but no one needs to know about that stuff , we burned those reports real good !
"Make that data available to independent qualified researchers, epidemiologists that could answer the questions as to whether or not the use of this device has indeed saved lives of law enforcement personnel and suspects as has been claimed, or whether it has not," Stanbrook said.
Independent researchers ? Ones not under our control ? Whooooaaa Nelly ! Lets not get too hasty here ! We don't have to get that far , do we ? Maybe we'll just hang onto that data and not let anyone see it. Anything else would probably be bad for business.
More than 300 people in North America, including 20 in Canada, have died after being struck by a Taser.
Stanbrook said the Journal was mindful that an inquiry in Dziekanski's death begins next week and that he's hopeful the journal editorial may be useful information for the inquiry.
In other words, Taser wont tell you squat so you have to go in the back door to find out anything.
Our product is a stun gun it harms no one ! Honest ! but no we don't let you see the research data , and don't even think of mentioning all those corpses piling up because of tasers. That wasn't our fault !!!
Why am I reminded of the Chinese government in all of this ? Do they take lessons from each other ?
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