These drunken idiots decided to beat up a cab that had a few moments before asked them to get out ( probably because they were drunk. ) The results are about what you would expect when a 100 kg human tangles with a 1000kg piece of metal.
Some boy from ottawa's opinions on the world, news, computers, and Ottawa itself, Beautiful High Tech Capital of Canada
These drunken idiots decided to beat up a cab that had a few moments before asked them to get out ( probably because they were drunk. ) The results are about what you would expect when a 100 kg human tangles with a 1000kg piece of metal.
Anders Behring Breivik , the far-Right killer who traumatized Norway by massacring 77 people, was finally forced to confront the cold reality of his crimes yesterday (Monday) when his trial opened with the first full account of his three hours and nine minutes of slaughter.
The fate of his 77 victims, 67 of whom were shot in cold blood on Utoya island outside Oslo, was disclosed in remorseless detail. The self-styled "Knight Templar" was also compelled to watch searing footage of the moment that the bomb he planted exploded.
And what have we learned from this ?
Unfortunately , what we have learned is that some idea's are too good to keep to yourself. Now everyone has been paying real close attention to afghanistan and Iraq , and remarking "wow , this has been going on for ten years. Those are really successful tactics those guys are using".
And they're being copied.
By every radical group and individual in the world. Anders Behring Breivik isn't even a muslim, he's a christian who doesn't like muslims. But he's happy to steal their idea's , obviously.
This mess is only getting bigger, mark my words. Next thing we know , the next time someone goes postal at the post office they'll be using these tactics , never even mind what various half wit religious fanatics of ALL religions will try with them.
A week later , I have the monitor. The main box with the computer in it ... not sure as to it's location .
and this is two day delivery , 9 days later.
I think they deserve the above picture more than the cats do.
The pair fell under suspicion when a series of point of sales terminals were stolen from retail stores in and replaced with compromised ones in a manner similar to the Safeway thefts in the Lower Mainland.
A jury found he tampered with point-of-sales terminals at McDonald's restaurants in 2009.
It's scammer alert time again.
It seems that those little tiny debit machines at your corner store and McDonalds are getting stolen and replaced with evil clones that report back your private information to na'er do wells , who then empty your bank account.
after combing the story a few times, all I can see is it's the little terminals that they hand you at some store or another, not a big old bank machine. Apparently the bank machines are too heavy to replace with fraudulent ones.
so much for me whipping out the debit card at the drug store anymore.
As for McDog Foods being taken in , the less said the better.
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