Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm such a special kind of guy

Article = none, personal experience.

Before we begin I need to clear up two points.

One. I'm a guy. What lies between my legs lies between every ordinary guys legs. This becomes important shortly.

Two , why do they call it "Little Timmy" ?

I had an itch down there. But I'm on anti-biotics, so it couldn't be much right ? Right ? So I put up with it and hopefully it would go away. Two or three weeks, probably way too long , and it didn't go away.
Finally went to the clinic across the street. It had just openned up and the wait wasn't very long, unlike the old clinic that had up and moved.

So I go in , do my time waiting , and then see the doc. He says to me two words.

Yeast Infection.

Which of course, is considered a womans only disease , though certain un circumscribed men can fall victem to it (I"m circumscribed).

And I say to him five words.

I'm gonna kill my wife.

She just had it. Guess where I got it from ? So he perscribes some medicine and admits yeah it was probably my wife, and yeah it is very very rare for a man to get it , and I head off to the pharmacy to get me some meds.

And the Pharmicist wants to talk to me about "my wifes" problem. And he wants to explain to me how to use the applicator to insert the medicine deep inside. And I cut to the chase and tell him it aint for my wife it's for me. And he says but men don't get this disease.

I know. I feel so special.

No really , there must be a mistake somewhere.

I know. The doctor told me. There's no mistake.

By then we were both laughing like idiots.

So I take it home and I look at this tube of gunk, this weird looking applicator , and these instructions with drawings of butt naked women all over them. "Wow...this is excellent pornography !"

My wife tells me to hush.

I go in the bathroom , do the deed (without the applicator) , and then come out. Tell my wife "Now I feel like a real woman. "

She has no sense of humor.

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